Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Prayer Requests

Hello all! Many times I have asked those of you who read the blog to send me prayer requests so that I can join my prayers to yours. This time it is me who is asking you to pray for some special intentions.

First of all I would like you to pray for my step-sister who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Her mother passed away from breast cancer 7-8 years ago. I don't have any other information but please keep her, her father (my step-father), and her family in your prayers.

Secondly, please pray for my Uncle who suffered a heart attack earlier in the week. They got to the hospital quickly and discovered he had 100% blockage. Thankfully they were able to put in a stint and he should recover nicely. I am pretty sure that he has already been released from the hospital.

Also, I will ask you to pray for the teens from Our Lady of Guadalupe in Austin who will be on retreat this weekend. Pray that they are able to hear God calling them each by name. Please pray for the staff, the young adult leaders, and all who are working to make this retreat happen.

Finally, please continue to keep the sale of my house on your prayer list. As of now, I am scheduled to close on July 23rd and all is going well so far. It will be a tremendous blessing to start my second year of seminary without this distraction.

Having said all that, I will be going on the retreat with the teens. We leave tomorrow and will return for Mass on Sunday at 11:30am. I am expecting my godson and his family to come into town for a visit Sunday afternoon so it will be a busy weekend. I only have about four weeks left here at Our Lady of Guadalupe and there is still lots to do.

Please know that I continue to pray for you all and your families but feel free to send me any special prayer requests (even if you just say, "please pray for a special intention"). I don't need the details unless you feel like sharing them.

I want to leave you with one more snipit from Pope Benedict's Encyclical. I continue to work my way through it although I must admit most of it is over my head:

"The conviction that man is self-sufficient and can successfully eliminate the evil present in history by his own action alone has led him to confuse happiness and salvation with immanent forms of material prosperity and social action."

Pax Tecum,

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